Teenaged Shenanigans.
For me, and lots of other people, honesty is really important. It's the basis of all relationships. Whether one with you friends, parents, coworkers, bosses, boyfriend, or girlfriend. Honesty is the glue that holds a relationship together. Without it everything falls apart, really really fast and messily. I know sometimes it's hard to be honest, we've all told little white lies before. But eventually you have to own up to what you said or else the little white lies will pile up, causing a snowball effect.

A snowball effect, when you lie to cover up a previous lie. Each time you lie you roll your snowball up a hill. The snowball grows and grows until it gets too big (quote) and you can't push it anymore, and it rolls down the hill. And then all your lies come out. Lying is a no no in relationships.

Once you lie to your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, fuck buddy, you never gain that trust back. When you're in more than a business or platonic relationship you open yourself up to that person, you tell them things you wouldn't tell them if they were just friends. That's a special kind of trust that can never be gained back. At least in my opinion it can't. If my ex lied to me and I figured out he did, we couldn't be friends again.I mean who wants to be friends with a known liar?

Just try to always be honest, lying might seem like the way to go at the time. You might lie to make yourself look better, get out of trouble, look like the victim (hum like someone I know), or whatever your deluded reasoning is. Lying only  hurts you and the others involved. But it hurts you more, you can lose friends or boyfriends, or girlfriends because of it.

Ok that's all for today, love you guys and honesty is the best policy. Ha someone tell that to the US government!

-Rose <3

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