Teenaged Shenanigans.
Anyone guess who that song is by? Ok well to the topic of the day, people are bitches. How can you choose her over me? I get it, she's your girlfriend and you think it'll last forever. IT WON'T. And now you've lost me as a friend. If you're going to let her control you like that then I'm better off without your sorry ass. You are a horrible friend, I FUCKING HATE YOU.

We've been friends since I was born. We took baths together when we were still in diapers. We ran through sprinklers together. We were there for each other through all the bullshit, heartbreaks, and bleeding wrists. And you gave it up...

Do you not get how much it hurts me, how much it hurts me to know you love that stupid bitch you've know 3 months more than you love your friend of 15 years? You don't, hence the reason you choose her. Thanks buddy you've been a real pal. Love you too....

-Rose <3


Rose </3

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