Teenaged Shenanigans.
Like I said a few days ago breaking up sucks, but being single is fun. It means you can flirt with the guy selling stuff at a consession stand, or the very cute pool boy employed at your aunt's pool (who always has his shirt off), or just a random guy. No need to get mad if a guy breaks up with you it means he wasn't the right one. Just wait and there is ALWAYS someone just as good or better. Try to go for better so your next relationship doesn't end the same. And don't go worse, that makes no sense. Anyways I believe there's someone out there for everyone, and you gotta go through some guys before you find him.

You can try to be friends, but DO NOT  get back with him. It just makes you look like he was that important, if he dumped you then he wasn't the right guy for you. Maybe a good fit (pardon the pun there), but not perfect. It also makes you look weak and women ARE NOT weak little girls who can't get past a guy, and are forever in love with him. If you are a little girl that can't get past a guy, then you shouldn't be dating, no guy is worth crying over. I don't care if you've been together for years, months, or weeks, he's not worth wasting bodily fluid, no need to get dehydrated. Do things you only do when your single. Wear those ratty sweat stained shirts you could never wear, forget to wash your face, eat 20 pounds of pizza, and belch like you're trying to break the windows.

It's fine to look back on the relationship fondly but it's not okay to want him back. He gave you up and it's his loss. You're an amazing, beautiful, fucking awesome person and DO NOT need a guy to complete you, you were single for most of your childhood, so you don't need a guy. That's what guy friends are for. Just remember the pool guy, and cute guy at Walmart ;). Remember you're young, free, and single. You can go through 50 guys, and still be fine. And being single rocks, I'm already planning to go hang with my girls, gotta make some calls so imma go. Love you all my readers, have a great life.

-Rose <3
6/24/2011 10:13:32 am

Preach it sister! :D
And Walmart guy? Electric on your mind, huh? ;)


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