Teenaged Shenanigans.
Daily guy is up on  wall. Check him out!
Sometimes things break. Windows from baseballs, legs from tripping, and hearts from boyfriends. We've all been at the place where your heart was broken from a guy breaking up with you or breaking up with him.

When a guy breaks up with you, well it sucks. You were completely in love with this guy, and were probably looking at wedding dresses, and picking out your future kids names. Hell, you might of not even seen it coming. Just out of the blue, while your blissed out on cloud 37, he might say, call, or text (if he texts you to break up he's a piece of crap, and not worth crying over or breaking out the ice cream and the horror movie... okay the horror movie thing is just me, but whatever) and he wants to break up. Your stomach drops and you can't breathe. Your heart starts cracking and your blood just flows out of your heart, until your left with this shriveled up thing in its place.

When you break up with a guy, well one put some serious thought into it, and two if in your heart you feel it's right do it, no reason to stay in a relationship you don't want to be in. Don't let anyone tell you different. Here's how you know you just need to get the hell out of a relationship.

  1. He's abusive.
  2. He cheated.
  3. He's a jerk, teases you (a little friendly fun teasing is fine), and crosses a line.
  4. If thinking of him makes you sick to your stomach.
  5. If planning a date makes you sick to your stomach.
  6. He doesn't treat you the way you feel he should treat you
And make sure you do it TO HIS FACE (unless he's prone to violence)!!!! You know you would castrate a guy if he broke up with you through text, so display the same courtesy. But if you think he might become violent and hurt you, then don't put yourself in danger, no guy is worth that. Trust me your heart will be broken before you even dump him. You had some great times with  your guy, and you secretly hope you're wrong and you can have more great times, but in your heart you know you've been done with him for a long time (cause you've thought it through for a while... AT THE LEAST A WEEK!)

He might not know it's coming. He could think you're having a bad day, cause when you're planning to break you with him, you don't want him all over you like you usually do. But the second you drop the bomb, your heart is going to explode just like the bomb you dropped. It's one of the hardest things to do, but once it's over you see you were making a mountain out of a mole hill. It wasn't as hard as you made it out to be. Just don't go back out with him after you dump him, cause then he might dump you right back. And that's just drama that we don't need. Life needs to be a comedy not a drama.

Well that's about it. I've got some music to bootleg so I'll see you guys later. Love ya!

-Rose <3

This quote says, "Crazy how one text can change up your whole mood." A text can make you happy, sad, angry, and everything in between. But the craziest thing is when you get a text from someone you like or liked in the past. We have all been there and done that. There's an upside and a downside to these kinds of texts. We'll start with the Pros.

  • Extra think time.
  • Less awkward.
  • Easier to lie.
  • Less personal.
  • Harder to get point across.
  • No facial expressions or body language.
As you can see there are more Cons than Pros. It may seem like the most awkward thing in the world to talk to someone you like about liking them or an ex about if you still may like them (just a piece of advice don't do it. Don't get the reputation of getting back with exs. Just not cool.)  If it isn't possible to talk face to face, at least call, or Skype, something where you can see the person. You don't want to end up going out with someone because they were bored and texted an "I think ur cute." or something like that. And you don't want to go back out with an ex just because he sweet talked you a way only he knows how.

Only use texting to tell your friend hi and that kind of stuff. Don't use it to ask out someone, break up with someone, holla at someone, or to hook up with someone.

That's it for now. Laters.

Dear god writing comments for all the guys was hard work. Good thing i got all summer.... :)