Teenaged Shenanigans.
If you can guess what song that's from, I will love you forever. For reals. Yes neither Dina nor I have died yet, surprisingly. I'm surprised because it's amazing we haven't been crushed by our bags, or killed each other yet, yay virtual cookies for us! ^^ Anyways nothing serious has happened  recently. I had my first debate tourny of the year last weekend. I did ok considering I got thrown into an event barely a week before.

Anyways I'm so weird :D. Hum just the usual bullshit and drama has been going on, nothing much. Let us see if I can think of a poem or thought provoking blog to write for you.

Ok got it, nothing lasts forever.

Nothing lasts forever,
that's just how life is.

You fight for love,
you may win,
and then lose.

Nothing lasts forever,
that's just how life is.

You strive for happiness,
you fall into a black hole,
and try to find you way back.

Nothing lasts forever,
that's just how life is.

You make a close friend,
you love them like a sibling,
and then they leaving you in the dust.

Nothing lasts forever,
that's just how life is.

Ok that's all for today my darling readers. I love you guys! :))))

-Rose <333333

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