Teenaged Shenanigans.
This picture is another one of those things that I live by. If a guy can't handle dealing with you at your lowest moment, when you're at you worst, then he is not the right one. This sort of ties in with my post from yesterday. By that I mean guys have to work to get the girl. We aren't simplistic things, we're like onions (not stinky ones, ones that smell like Bath and Body Works).

We're cranky, no we aren't PMSing 365 days a year, just sometimes we just wake up, and want to kill the first person we talk to. No reason at all. We are insecure (thank you modern day media), you're gonna have to be ready to compliment us until we tell you to stop. We make mistakes, for fucks sake we're only human, no matter what kind of pedestal you put us on. We're people just like you, we do things without thinking them through, we do things in a moments of anger.

We are completely selfish, girls want everything from one guy. To love them, to call them pretty, to kiss them, etc. But, here's the sucky part that my stepdad taught me. Guys want one thing from every girl. We all know what that one thing is, and they will try to get it from everyone. Girls may have the bad rap for being more hormonal than guys. But that is the biggest pile of bull poopie. Guys are controlled by their hormones more than girls. And that doesn't stop until we're adults and guys start thinking with their brains and hearts instead of their penises. God I can't wait for those days. Not to say all guys think with their penis, but a hella lot do. I can only name.... 1 or 2? Wow.... I fear for the next generation, what a damn shame.

Ok well I think I'm done ranting. Bye guys I love you!!!!

-Rose <3

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