Teenaged Shenanigans.
 Great song. Then again, any song by Ed Sheeran is a great song.

Okay, so, I had a project to do for English and it included reading a world literature book and completing a series of assignments that go along with it. I chose to read The Book Thief (well, I sorta already read it before....but...whatever) and one of the assignments was to write a 20 line poem about the book.
  I chose to write about a certain character in the book, Max. He was a Jew that served in war (not WWII) and I think that his family died while he was there...? I don't remember. I just know that he lost them and he got caught in Nazi Germany and was in a jail like thing for years before one of his old friends, Hans, smuggled him into the basement of his house.
So..um. Yeah. I wrote a poem about him and if you know me, you know that I SUCK AT POEMS.
This one wasn't thaaaat bad so I decided to share it with you guys. (whoever still keeps up with this blog)


Funny how life works.
At first, there's no one there for you,
Not a single soul.
You're left on this earth all alone,
Having to defend yourself and watch your own back.

You don't need people anymore,
You're done crying for help.
You and solitude are intimate friends.
The thought of family is in the past,
With all your other crushed dreams.

But then, out of nowhere, there's hope,
A tiny shimmering light of hope;
That you won't be alone anymore,
That someone will be there for you,
That you'll finally know the meaning of family.

The tiny shimmering light grows.
It turns into a blinding ray,
Bringing tears to your eyes
As you accept other's affection and declare
"I'm home."

--have a nice day.

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