Teenaged Shenanigans.
 So...it's Monday. Why am I pointing out this obvious fact? I don't know. I felt like it. Small talk, perhaps? Even though you can't really talk back...
I didn't go to school today! The bus was about 13 minutes late, I was feeling crappy, so my dad said "whatever" and let me stay home! Sometimes, you just have to love that old man.
 On the downside, I am stuck home with nothing to do but work that I was going to put off 'til next week.
 I suppose I could study for my finals this week, but who studies these days? Pffft, nerds. Who needs to pass Chemistry to be successful these days? Pfft, nobody.

(and I'm definitely not passing my chemistry final)

Hm, this is a bit awkward. I find myself not knowing what to tell you guys seeing as life has sort of just been gliding by, not making any noise. Huh...

*backs away slowly*

*runs away*


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