Teenaged Shenanigans.
  No, I wasn't murdered! Shockingly enough.
(ahh I frickin' love the song on right now and it's like frickin' inspiring me to write this blog. frickin' frick frick. :)
Okay, first I want to say that, no, you guys aren't stupid ass'. Rose is just going through a bad time, so excuse whatever she may say to you. By the way, this is going to be a semi long blog.

Life...is good. Yeah yeah, there are little things every day that annoy me, or I hear about some drama, but when I step back to look upon that day or week...it's good. I didn't die, I didn't catch a deadly disease, my mom is alive, my friends are alive, I'm getting my education, and I'm actually going somewhere in life. All those little annoying things, and that drama, is going to mean nothing to you in 20 years. They're just going to be funny stories you tell to your co-workers.
Yes, things have happened to me in the past that would leave anyone broken, but I can't do anything about it now. It's the past. I need to forgive and move on, which I have for the most part.
I don't exactly know how to phrase this, but I think the only way you can be truly happy and satisfied with life is when you take a step back and realize that it could be so much worse.
You could be in the street, having to beg for food just to survive. You could be an orphan being beat by foster parents. You get the point.

Also, I don't mean for this to sound mean, but when you're sad, complaining and whining about everything is definitely not going to help. I mean yeah, sure, it's natural for people to do that, hell even I do it, but when you constantly complain....it's just not going to solve anything. If you want change in your life, you need to enforce change. No one else is in control of your life, even if it seems that way, it's all yours to change. If you want to dye your hair, do it. If you want to flunk a class, do it. If you want to become a doctor, do it.
I'm not saying there aren't going to be obstacles in your way, because there most likely will be some, but if you really want something then you need to go for it and put in your best.

If you want to be happy, you can be.
Friends weighing you down? Get rid of them, you'll make better ones.
Dad pissing you off? Too young to move out? Kill him. Kidding, just stay out of his way.
Dislike yourself? .....why? You're amazing. Someone out there loves you, and they have a reason. It's because you are magnificant to them.
Someone dislikes you? Who cares, not everyone is going to like you. It's probably for a pathetic reason anyway.

When something is making you unhappy to the point where you think "I'm depressed, life sucks because of this. I don't want to continue living." get rid of it, leave it behind and move on. Don't let it keep you from the happiness you deserve.

Sounds too hard? It's really not.

--Dina ♥

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