Teenaged Shenanigans.
  Matt Kearney. Great song. Check him out.
And Rose, "cause that bass makes that bitch cum"? Best line ever? Um. Yeah, okay. Our taste in music has reached a fork in the road and they've obviously taken completely different paths. It's okay though. I still love you.

Over the past week, I have learned a valuable lesson. 
Any guesses on what it could be?

* jeopardy music *

Okay, I'll just tell you.

  So for all my life I held back my feelings and never expressed what was actually on my mind to people. Thanks to Dom, I was convinced that I shouldn't do that and I should be straightforward and all that crap. So a little experimenting made me come up with the conclusions that
1) I cry like no other if I actually express my feelings
2) Other people are hurt by my opinions (that's why I hold them back)
3) and other stuff I can't really sum up neatly.

  THEREFORE, I should continue doing what I did and be an emotionless robot. It may not benefit me that much, but it benefits everybody around me.
yay, conclusions.


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