Teenaged Shenanigans.
Rose, whatever technical difficulties you're having aren't my fault. It's probably due to your lack of technological skill. (you know it's true)
Also, WHEN THE HECK ARE YOU COMING OVER?! I should warn you that I'm sick so anytime soon would be a bad decision for your immune system.

Anyway, time has been flying by rather quickly. In middle school, summer vacation seemed to never end, but in high school now it seems to pass by in the blink of an eye. I don't like it one bit. I don't like these summer assignments either. My French teacher was literally put on this Earth to torment all those who dared to take her class (along with my new English teacher). Je se deteste........un peu. 

I just don't want to worry about school when I don't have to, even though knowing me, that's impossible. Just one day of solidarity and blasting Arctic Monkeys is what I need. The perfect cure for anything.

Alright. I'll stop complaining, or ranting, or whatever it is I'm doing now.


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