Teenaged Shenanigans.
  Appropriate blog title, thank you A Rocket To The Moon.
So, 3:45 am of December 30th, 2011....a huge shocker happened. I'm still not quite sure of my feelings. I know I'm happy, definitely happy, but...also a tad bit worried? I'm not this person. Or...maybe I am and I just never realized it. I never thought I would be this person. I don't know if it's for better or not....well, we'll see in due time I suppose.
  Sorry, I know that made no sense to you. Just me going on and on as usual.

1) I'll make sure to remind Rose to write a blog soon. She has been slacking lately! Shame, Rose!
2) I hope you guys had a nice Christmas :) or if you don't celebrate, I hope you had a nice winter break! No school! Woo!
3) Ed Sheeran is officially my favorite artist.
4) Rose dyed her hair blue. Yeah, I know right? She's awesome!

Okay, moving on.

  I recently discovered that I care far too much about what people think about me. I'm always worried about whether they like me, or will like me.
I'm not a total insecure mess though, that only applies to the people that I like...which, to be honest, is still a lot of people.
  That includes people that I like from the internet, even though they don't know me and will probably never know me. SO WHY THE HELL DO I CARE SO MUCH. OH MY GOD. THIS NEEDS TO CEASE.

  Whenever one of my friends say something along the line of
1)"Ugh omg, I hate when *insert something that people do*"
2)"Ugh omg, I hate *insert my favorite band here*" 

Let me take you through my mental process when someone says that.

 1) Omg omg omg. Do I do that? No! Of course I don't do that! Why would they still hang out with me if I did that? They would have said something, right? Or do they secretly abhor me because I do said thing without realizing I did it? AHH. THEY HATE ME. I HAVE NO FRIENDS. I'M GONNA BE A CAT LADY. Wait, I don't like cats that much....I'M GONNA BE A TURTLE LADY. NEVER DO SAID THING EVER AGAIN.
 2) What? What? What? What? What? You hate my favorite band?! What's wrong with you?! ARE YOU DEAF?! DO YOU NOT REALIZE THEIR AMAZINGNESS?! WHAT. Wait....if you hate them, you hate people who listen to them. Do you know that I listen to them? Do you hate me? YOU MUST NEVER FIND OUT. 

and yeah. that's pretty much how it goes...
I'm crazy and I overthink things, I know. 

 Stop lying about such a stupid thing. I mean honestly, who lies about that? It's not like you have anything to be embarrassed about and nobody is going to think less of you. Hell, if you don't want to tell everyone else at least tell me! I know you too well for you to be lying to me at this point. I know you so well that the lie you're trying to pull off is absolute bullshit.

People, stop lying about little things that don't need to be lied about. For the sake of me and the rest of humanity, please and thank you.

-some random chick.