Teenaged Shenanigans.
Ok my summer resolution is to finish every story I have ever started. This will be quite a feat considering all my writing stuff stacked together is 8 inches tall. There are 14 stories! Holy shit fuck what in the bloody fucking hell have I gotten myself into?!?!?! Oh Buddha, help me. At least one of those stories is a collaboration with our most lovely Dina (who is featured in a lot of my stories, usually under the name Dina or Hadley or Hades). Most of these stories I haven't touched in months, they've been growing mold and musty book smell (Buddha I love that smell!). So I'm going to finish the two I've started most recently, which are one RPG with the lovely Dina, and an RPG with Alex. Right now I'm in the pre writing stages for Dina's RPG and the third chapter for Alex's RPG.

This is going to be a lot of work but I'm a writer and I love a challenge. If you're a writer, of any type, and you have unfinished songs, stories, poems, or recipes go finish them. I challenge you to finish whatever it is. Hey even if you aren't a writer if there's something you need to finish or fix. Like fix a sink, finish a scarf for the coming winter, fix a friendship, finish your summer projects (which I'm starting once I go over to Dina's house and we have a bonfire with stuff!), whatever.

If there is something you haven't finished or need to fix leave me a comment telling me what it is. I'll try to help! Ok that's it for today.

Love you guys and tell me what's something you need to finish or fix. At the end of the summer (August 31) we'll see if we finished what we needed to finish. No prize, well I won't say that I do babysit 5-6 days a week during August. Bye!

-Rose <3