Teenaged Shenanigans.
Wow amazing how much life can change in less than a month. Since that last blog post so many things have changed. That person I was ranting at (sorry if you read that dude) are cool, better than cool, friends again. Super happy face time :DDDDDDD

Haha sorry I'm just in a good mood, and I had sugar. But I completely do not understand how to do my algebra II homework, FUCK!!!!!! But anyways it's all pretty cool. Trying to think about something in my life that's blog worthy. Oh I started a NaNoWriMo story. For all you lame, I mean epically cool.... :D people that don't know what that is, it stands for National Novel Writing Month. If you wanna read it go to Boooksie.com and type in Maddie Carr.

Ugh I'm horrible I know but I don't feel like writing. Love you guys, I'll get Dina to blog this Sunday when I go over.

-Rose <333333