Teenaged Shenanigans.
For the last few days this site hasn't been working for me. If it works I'll write something tomorrow, if not I'll yell at Dina cause it might be her fault.





Stupid autocorrect.... Rawr is a frigging word. Stupid. What's up guys? :) how's life (meaning Dina what's up since I highly doubt anyone reads our blog). I have literally nothing to talk about today. Except I thought of something funny earlier. I'm gonna use it in a story. :)

Ok so there's a girl doing her laundry and she finds a bunch of socks in her boyfriends room. They're nice dress socks, not cheap. She takes them to wash them and guess what her boyfriend was using the socks for? ;) Her thoughts, well at least he has good taste.

Might be just me that finds that funny but oh we'll. Bye guys love you!!! :)

-Rose <3
Omg weebly app for iPhone is my new love!!!