Teenaged Shenanigans.
  Ok, I saw that picture today and I got upset. 
 I should of all people know that a person's past may not be all rainbow shit and unicorns, but that's no reason to forget it. I understand that you probably don't want to relive the pain, or whatever it is that you went through, but it's so important to who you are. Your past made you who you are today, it either strengthened you or made you a weak mess. If it was the latter, forgetting what happened definitely isn't going to make you a stronger person.
  A strong person is one who can take his/her past and learn from it, do better things in life because of it, and live with it everyday. A weak person will just try to shoo it away and assume that that'll fix the problem. I can tell you, from experience, it will not. The past finds sneaky little ways to come back up and bite you in your ass, there's no running from it. There's only acceptance. I know it might take a while to accept your past and move on with it, but it's necessary to do so. If you want a healthy future, at least. You don't want your past to fuck up your future, do you?
  Sad/horrible moments deserve just as much recognition as happy moments do. They're all a part of a you, and your actions toward those define what kind of person you are.
  Basically, don't ever forget your past. I want you to remember it as clearly as you would a happy day doing whatever you love. I want you guys to use it to improve yourself as a human being. I want you guys to just accept the past as the past, and move on without it weighing you down. It is probably going to be the hardest thing you'll ever have to do in your life, for those who have yet to move on. Trust me.

--Weak Dina. (sorry about the shortness of this, and no I will not explain the title of this blog)