Teenaged Shenanigans.
  First, sorry for the crap piece of thing which I call a blog entry that I posted yesterday.
  Second, moving on to today's blog! Which will hopefully be better.

  "Everything is just a side effect of dying." The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

   Isn't that quite an interesting way to look at it? Coughing isn't a side effect of the flu, it's a side effect of dying. The flu isn't a side effect of some interal organ failing, it's a side effect of dying. It's certainly a morose point of view, but it makes you think, doesn't it?
  All that you're doing now will be pointless, absolutely pointless, in a couple hundred years. Sure, if you're lucky you might make an impact on people that might last for a handful of years or so, but in the end, will it really matter? Will any of it matter?
  We're all going to die. How, is still a mystery. Maybe the sun will burn up, maybe global warming will kill us, maybe there'll be a giant locus infestation, or maybe we'll get hit by a gigantic astroid. Who knows, but the point is, we're all just going to fall in oblivion. However we do end, I can guarentee you, there will probably be scarce to none evidence of our existance left behind. Nothing to show that there was a cure for cancer (I'm thinking way into the future here people, even though there is a cure for cancer currently...google it.) nothing to show that you graduated from Harvard with a PhD in Physics, or whatever. Everything that you value, and everything little (and big) thing that you find so important will vanish. Just like that. 
  We are humans, and no matter how much we may try to delude ourselves into thinking it, we are not immortal. Our time will come, and our whole species will end. Maybe, after us another species will start to form, and hopefully they don't make the same fucked up decisions that we've made on this Earth.

  Told you this was a glum topic to think about. 

  But back to the previous question, will what you're doing now matter since we're going to end anyway, and there'll be no record of it? 
  I believe the answer is yes. 
  Just because there will be no record of us after we die doesn't mean that what you're doing now (if you're doing something helpful) isn't for nothing. You're helping people! Of course it matters if you make an impact on everyone around you! Don't let the fact that nobody will remember you or your good deeds in a couple hundred, or thousands, of years bring you down! Just keep up what you're doing and make sure it makes you happy. Life is honestly too short for you too worry too much about the little things that don't matter in the end anyway.
  Things, for example, like sweating over those extra ten pounds that you may have gained over vacation, or maybe how you didn't go for it with that one guy/girl. 
   It's a little bit weird, but let this cynical thought help calm you, It won't matter in the end, you'll be dead, and none of it will matter.
I don't want that to completely devoid you of determination, but instead, I want you guys to look at it as a good life quote. I want it to inspire you to do everything, and anything, you've ever wanted to do. I want it to help you get past your problems in life. I want it to calm you whenever you feel really down about something that has just happened. 
  Mostly, I just want you guys to take this negative thing and turn it into a postive thing.
Because everyone deserves to die happy. Everyone, that is, except maybe murderers. Them, I have little sympathy for.

--Dina. :)