Teenaged Shenanigans.




It's been over a month since the last time I blogged.
Apology letters are being sent out to you all as I type.

Anyway, something recently has happened in my friend's life and I just want to talk about it with you guys a little bit.

Ladies, have you ever cared about a guy so much and then out of no where he dumped you? Well that's what happened to my friend, but the thing is, they're still friends. They socialize with each other, joke around and whatnot. You know what else they do? *cough* I'm going to let you guess.
Please don't be one of those girls that guys go to only for certain things. It's not respectable at all. I know I know, you just want to be close, but is it really going to benefit you in the long run? I mean, think about it.
He dumped you.
He talked shit about you. (in my friend's case, at least)
He's a player. (again, in my friend's case)
He's just using you for things.

If he truly cared about you, he wouldn't let you disrepect yourself like that, by being friends with benefits. Honestly, it benefits no one in the long run.
Complex emotions form, fighting words are thrown out, tears are spilt, and in the end...you guys can't even think about the option of being just friends.
I know you care about him and want to be close to him, but don't do this to yourself. Don't think he wants you back. If he wanted you back, he would have said so. Tell him the thing is over. Tell him that you guys are going to have a normal friendship. Please. For your sake?
