Teenaged Shenanigans.

Surprisingly my father agreed to let me go to Raleigh for the FFA competition. I was away from home for three days and I LOVED it! I never get to go anywhere alone so it was like a brand new world. The competition itself was pretty easy, even though we didn't place in the top three. I actually don't even know what place we came in seeing as my teacher never received the scores. It doesn't really matter though because the experience was fun. My friends and I had adventures in the hotel and the buildings connecting to it, there was a block party, the food was great, etc etc.
I'm ridiculously exhausted though. 
Nap time.


2 out of 5 finals complete.
Two more weeks until the Star Wars marathon avec Rose
Two more weeks until I get The Great Gatsby
14 days until my friend's birthday party
18 days until states
5 more months until my birthday
2 (or one, depending on how some people count) more years of high school

life's good.
except I should probably learn how to put things in chronological order...


ps: Rose, I was a young and naive child when I caked your face with make up. I have grown since then. I hope your trust in me and my make up skills has increased because I promise I won't give you raccoon eyes anymore! :) 
(and i'm giving you a makeover whether you like it or not, so, yeah)